NZ Biofuels roadmap

Growing a biofuelled New Zealand

Scion carried out the Biofuels Roadmap study to inform and stimulate debate on the large scale production and use of liquid biofuels in New Zealand.

A biofuelled future will:

  • Reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Help us meet our international GHG reduction commitments
  • Rejuvenate regional economic and employment growth
  • Make New Zealand less dependent on oil imports
  • Maintain access to international markets for our goods and services.

The way forward – making it happen

A biofuelled future is unlikely to happen by itself. Leadership at a national level is needed – there has to be national commitment to do things right. The investment needed is large and stakeholder industries will need a degree of certainty when committing to feedstock and processing options, as well as taking ownership of delivering their parts of the value chain.

With the right will, Scion’s study and the Biofuel Value Chain Model, New Zealand can now explore different options and plan the way forward to a sustainable future.

Find out more


Paul Bennett, Science Leader Clean Technologies